Coledale WEB2

Today we would like to acknowledge the club Coledale Waves, who have inspired females in football and have helped build the Women’s Over 30’s Competition as part of our Female Football Week.

The Over 30s division started up in 2020 with just four teams in the competition.

Today, there are 10 teams competing against one another including two Coledale sides.

Coledale has not only been one of the clubs that were involved, but also, one of the clubs that helped build the competition from scratch.

Lisa Metcalfe has been involved with Coledale for over 11 years.

She was Secretary of the club for three years and is now the Registrar.

Her football career also began three years ago at one of her son’s matches.

“Some other mums and I were cheering on our sons at their football match when the coach made a joke about us making a team and funnily enough, that’s what we did,” Lisa said.

“We got a group of mums, experienced players and inexperienced players (like myself) and we formed a team together.”

Lisa and her team were placed in Division 5 as there was no other competition suitable for them during this time.

The momentum from this grew immensely and shortly after an over-30s competition was formed which started off with just four teams.

However, the competition proved to be a massive success and now has 10 teams involved.

The Over 30s competition has been such a positive change for the community as it has given the women a fun, social setting and can now compete against a variety of teams rather than the same three teams week in, week out.

Coledale have a very strong community focus and have shown this in many ways.

The club’s strips are now predominately pink which was positively changed for breast cancer awareness to recognise all Mum’s that have been through this hardship.

However, recently they have changed their focus to cancer awareness, which not only recognises women who have sadly been through a difficult time, but for all of those who were heavily impacted – male or female.

Each year Coledale’s Under 12s talent is recognised with a single players player award.

However, rather than giving each player a trophy at the end of each season, instead, the proceeds now go towards a cancer charity of their choice.

“For me, a trophy can sit on a shelf for years, but money can help families in need, and I think what we do as a club is amazing,” Lisa said.

It’s not every day that you find a club with a warm committee like this, and Lisa is extremely proud to be a part of such an inspiring club.

She has been a role model for all female players and is hoping she can continue to inspire a chain of players to join Coledale Waves, in the hope that they can form a team in every age group, including the Youth and Women’s competitions before the year 2023.

Story by Alison Dinh, on Twitter @alisondinh_

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